There is a phrase from the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez! which is repeated like a mantra in journalism: “ethics … must always accompany journalism! like the buzzing of a horsefly.” This also applies when working with data. And we have enough examples to show what happens when this is not fulfilled. One of the most mediatic is the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal. But let us develop this third point with a more specific case.
Suppose you have a Content Marketing agency and you form an alliance with a major retailer! who asks you to analyze the consumption patterns of its customers in order to optimize its commercial strategies and generate more optimized information. This will give you access to ages! gender! purchase frequencies! products with the highest and lowest demand! payment methods! maximum and minimum amounts that each person spends on their transaction! etc. Too much personal data! right?
Therefore! work must be done amidst extreme regulation! knowing how to extract the maximum potential from data! but respecting the privacy of individuals . As stated by the authors of the book Ethics and Data Science ! which can be downloaded for free from Amazon (in English)! “users want to interact with companies that will treat them and their data responsibly! not as a potential profit.” And Content Marketing strategies must meet that condition.
4. Create a narrative that adds value
You have probably been amazed by a story with data on more germany phone number data than one occasion. And there are plenty of examples to delight us. Do you want to get inspired?
- Migratory Birds: Where Do They Go? – National Geographic.
- Tracking Hurricane Florence – The Washington Post.
- US Senate Race Prediction – FiveThirtyEight.
Visualization generates an inherent stimulation in our singapore data brain! it manages to capture the interest of consumers more quickly than a written document and allows us to create a more persuasive message. That is why storytelling with data is a powerful tool. But it is not just about arriving and telling a story; it must provide value for your audience! be interesting! understandable! unique and truly attractive. And if! in addition! it can be interacted with! even better.
The good news is that there are several ways to present your story. For example! you can offer data that readers can explore themselves! as is the case with the work of the site FiveThirtyEight! where users can review what is happening in a specific state or focus on the overall panorama of the country. They can even draw their own conclusions.
5. Use the correct visualization
As we explained in a previous article! not all graphics are suitable 10 essential points for ideal b2b websites for all data . When you go through the process that your database requires before visualizing it (transforming! cleaning!