Not every optimization needs to be a weeks-long project. Here are three simple ways to optimize your PPC accounts to help you get better results.
As PPC professionals, we’re trained to look for new ways to optimize our PPC campaigns. But in doing so, we naturally focus on the big things, like overhauling our account structure or updating our landing pages. These projects can make a real difference in performance, but they take a significant amount of time to complete.
Fortunately, not every optimization needs to be a weeks-long project. Some optimizations are relatively quick and simple, but can still be very effective. Here are three options you may have overlooked.
Rethinking Microsoft Ads
Many advertisers advertise only on Google networks, where competition can be high. In contrast, there are fewer advertisers croatia mobile database on Microsoft Ads . With less competition, some advertisers effectively squeezed out of Google Ads can still gain some traction on Microsoft Ads. It’s true that the volume of leads and sales we generate for our clients with Microsoft Ads is typically only 5% to 10% of what we generate from Google programs. But that’s still not a negligible amount, especially for B2B companies in a competitive environment.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Ads is changing, and not for the better. Earlier last year, Microsoft announced that the Microsoft Audience Network is now integrated with its search network. You have no choice but to advertise in both spaces. You can’t opt out of either.
Microsoft of course emphasizes the value
“We conducted studies across accounts that leverage search and audience to understand the incremental value for advertisers. We found that advertisers maximize performance and increase revenue when they combine their efforts across Microsoft Search and Audience Networks.”
It sounds great in theory, but we’d probably prefer to have control over the terms of how we advertise.
When Microsoft made this change, it didn’t seem like a big deal at first. Microsoft assured us that while we couldn’t opt out of Audience Network, we could add a few key exceptions that would apply to us. In fact, some accounts were unaffected by this change, while others were suffering greatly. Despite daily monitoring and updating of site exclusions, some accounts were unable to reverse the situation. Microsoft continues to increase the number of impressions and ad spend on Audience Network without any positive impact on campaign performance. So, it’s important to analyze the impact of these changes on each account and consider whether it’s still worth investing in Microsoft Ads.
Rethink retargeting
Retargeting (now known as Audience Segments) may seem a bit out of date in 2010. But it’s still around because it’s a great way to what is roi and how to calculate it? re-engage with someone who has previously engaged with you. However, retargeting is very underused and a bit misunderstood.
If you haven’t refreshed your thoughts on retargeting lately, here are some basic reminders on how to optimize it.
You can also retarget people who watched a specific video on your YouTube channel, any video on your YouTube channel, or your video ad (or some combination of the three) – making your targeting even more targeted.
Don’t forget to exclude audiences you don’t want to retarget
An audience that is not relevant to the mobile number list category of solutions or services you are promoting.
Unless your business is very narrow and has a single point of focus (e.g. you only sell one product to one type of audience), you should never target all previous website visitors.
Check your audience regularly
Retargeting isn’t “set it and forget it.” 3 Simple PPC Optimization As your business changes and grows, you’ll need to update your audiences accordingly. Have you added a new line of services or adjusted your target market? Make sure your audiences reflect these changes.