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Featured Resource: 10 Competitive Analysis Templates

Run a competitive analysis.

To choose your specific marketing strategies even more strategically, conduct a competitive analysis.

Scope out the market and see which businesses are marketing to your target audience. Learn what they’re currently doing — do they have a website? A presence on a specific social media platform, such as LinkedIn?

Things to be on the lookout for when inspecting competitors are:

  • Competitor product offerings.
  • Competitor sales tactics and results.
  • Competitor marketing content and social media presence.


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Getting a general overview of these items can help you recognize your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats — otherwise known as a SWOT analysis.

Once you understand where they stand, you can better compete with them and choose the best channels.

If none of your competitors are on Instagram, for instance, then Instagram marketing may not be a good strategy to pursue (or, at least, you should test it out first before investing too many resources in it).

Another thing you should be looking out for is what you can do better than your competitors. Consider how you can stand out, which leads us nicely to brand positioning.

7. Determine your brand positioning.

Next, define your brand positioning in the market.

This statement is the who, when, why, and how of your brand identity — or how your brand is perceived through the eyes of the customer.

This will help you cultivate a consistent cambodia telegram data brand image, regardless of the marketing channels and tactics you use.

Devise a brand positioning statement that your team and prospective customers can believe in, and you’ll be ready for the next step.

Featured Resource: Positioning Statement Templates


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8. Explore marketing channels to use.

By now, you’ve likely run across the legal and tax implications of different ownership structures different types of marketing channels your competitors use successfully and the channels they haven’t taken advantage of.

You’ve also likely gotten an idea of what you want to do based on your big-picture strategizing so far.

With the previous steps completed, you’re ready to diversify your B2B marketing portfolio and reach the businesses you need to.

Depending on your customer segments canada cell numbers and competitor analysis, you can explore channels, strategies, and tools to optimize your leads and customer funnels.

To effectively measure and analyze the success of your marketing efforts across these channels, use HubSpot’s Marketing Analytics software. This powerful platform will help you track performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing strategy and drive more sales.

Next up, let’s look at the types of B2B marketing you can implement now that you’ve created your overall strategy.

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