- Constructive. The product/service is lame. They tell you about it. You apologize publicly, take the person offline. Do not delete comments under any circumstances!!! Screenshots spread across the network much faster 🙂
- Impulsive. The person hasn’t figured it out yet, but is already preparing a crusade against you. You need to consult in as much detail as possible and help solve the problem. Often, this type of negativity is difficult to distinguish from trolling.
- Black PR. Information attack works against you. Usually solutions are individual.
- Trolling. Don’t feed the troll – and you will be happy.
Andrey Chebotarev (press secretary of Promodo)
ORM is not so much and not so much monitoring, as clearly written and understandable rules of action in the event of point X. Each person gambling data russia has their own point, but usually it is clearly associated with negativity, which can affect not only the specific “company-client” connection, but also influence the decision of other clients to buy goods or services from a specific seller.
It is a mistake to think that only brands
Can suffer from a negative reputation, with them it is the other way around. A brand has a certain amount of consumer trust, which can easily offset some of the negative reviews. We all know examples: in the food segment, these are poisonings, but we continue to buy our favorite milk, despite the heart-rending stories on the Internet (possibly true); in the electronics segment, these are attacks on large stores that deliver poorly, are allegedly reluctant to exchange goods, and so on. A user loyal to a brand will ignore such reviews, because he knows that this brand has never let him down, and that these could be banal machinations of competitors.
At the same time, for little-known online stores
Companies and just people who are how to make money on amazon: 15 proven ways building their personal brand, reputational risks are much higher. One careless move, and you can create a new domain, create a new site and start all over again. In the case of building a personal brand, everything can be over forever.
The rules for effective online switzerland leads reputation management are the three M’s: monitor – meditate – method.
Without monitoring, you will never know what is being written about you. To meditate means to think. Think three times before opening the response form. Then think three more times three times. Then answer according to the described method. It’s all very simple.