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Content Repurposing: 4 Easy Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Content

Content Marketing Masterclass: Part Eight

Doc Martens. Top hats. Acid wash jeans. We all thought they were going to go down in the history books and stay there forever. But they didn’t. So it turns out that my mother-in-law’s advice to keep your entire wardrobe in place at all times is ultimately valid: At some point, every style will have a revival. For better or for worse.

Because what’s old can be new sweden phone number data again—and that includes your content. As a small business, there are two approaches you can take to maximize the ROI of your existing content: promote your content like there’s no tomorrow, and repurpose it.

Content repurposing is a strategy for leveraging content successes. It involves taking existing published content, refreshing it, and giving it a completely new spin to create something new and different. If you’re looking to monetize your content, read on.

This post is part eight of a brand top 6 prestashop hosting (secure & reliable) in 2025 new content marketing masterclass series. We think it’s an incredibly important topic – and based on a little Content Repurposing survey we conducted, you think so too. The problem is, there’s so much content out there (meta) about content marketing, and a lot of it is conflicting information.

We bring you this Masterclass in partnership with Anouck Meier, Chief Storytelling Officer at Ampersand . Anouck is  Content Repurposing conversion-focused copywriter and content marketing strategist who has worked with many brands, big and small, to help them achieve their business goals through strategic content. We’re going to break down content once and for all in a comprehensive guide. Ready to get started?

– Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder Salesflare , an easy-to-use sales CRM for small B2B businesses

Content Reuse: The Good…

If you have limited time and Cyb directory resources—and, let’s be honest, who has unlimited access to these things anyway—repurposing content can be  Content Repurposing a really smart move. Instead of working hard to create content day after day, you use the same content in multiple ways to reach more people.

There are many benefits to reusing content:

Reaching new audiences

Repurposing your content across different mediums or platforms helps you attract more people and expand your reach. Some Content Repurposing users prefer visual infographics using free infographic templates over long texts. Some prefer podcasts over e-books. Still others prefer video.

SAP’s Michael Brenner puts it this way: “Multichannel marketing… delivers the content our audiences are looking for, in all the places they are looking for it.

Boost your SEO

If you take a smart approach, repurposing content can generate additional opportunities to target a desired keyword or phrase.

Additionally, if you take your repurposed Content Repurposing content out of your site, you can build quality links back to your site with the added bonus of being able to control the anchor text in the link.

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