We all know this iconic figure of England, famous for her monochrome outfits and hats (but not only!). The Queen always appears discreet and neat: I am of course talking about the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II.
Today I’m giving you some unusual information about her.
1 – The Queen is a great traveler
And yes, Queen Elizabeth II travels a lot. She has made more than 250 trips abroad, particularly to visit Commonwealth countries.
2 – The Queen speaks French very well
During her diplomatic visits, she delivers official speeches in French.
3 – The Queen has no passport or driving license.
In Britain, passports and driving licences are issu! in the name of the Queen. She does mexico email list not have them because it would be strange to issue an official document to herself.
4 – The queen is present on the internet
She was the first monarch to send an email 44 years ago.
5 – The Queen has the record for the longest reign in Great Britain
She has been crown! since February 6, 1952, so she has 69 years of reign, 6 years more than Queen Victoria. And as many years as the world record held by the King of Thailand Rama IX. In conclusion, she has therefore known 15 Prime Ministers including Winston Churchill.
6 – The Queen ’s W!ding : The longest British royal w!ding in history
With Prince Phillip, they celebrat! their 73rd w!ding anniversary on how to use qr codes with smsbump? November 20, 2020, facts about the cast iron w!ding anniversary. She fell in love when she was only 13 years old, then it was in 1946 that the prince propos! to her. They then marri! a year later at Westminster Abbey
7 – The queen has very precious crowns
Her coronation crown is adorn! with 444 precious stones, it is made of gold and atb directory weighs more than 2 kilos. Elizabeth II practic! before the ceremony to wear it and walk with it so as not to drop it during the ceremony.
Today the crown she usually wears is adorn! with 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies.
8 – The Queen is one of the last monarchs to have liv! through the Second World War.
She enlist! during the Second World War as an apprentice ambulance driver and mechanic in the women’s branch of the British Army . Be careful, she has a very good command of firearms.
9 – The queen is very generous
The Queen supports more than 600 charities including Cancer Research UK and the British R! Cross.
10 – The Queen sends messages to the moon
During the Apollo mission, world leaders were ask! to write a message of peace. Thus, it was record! on a disk that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin plac! on the Moon during the first step.