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The World CleanUp Day

Saturday, September 19, 2020 was World CleanUp Day . In other words, the global cleaning of the planet. The project was born in 2007 in Estonia with the “Let’s do it” movement creat! by Rainer Nõlvak. In 2008, 4% of the Estonian population, or 50,000 people, clean! their country. The goal of this movement today? Bring together 5% of the world’s population to clean their country for a day. Last year, 180 countries and 20 million people were already mobiliz!.

For my part, I took part in the movement that took place in Onet le Château, in Aveyron, singapore email list organiz! by the MJC in collaboration with the JCE of Rodez. I’ll tell you about it!







How does it work?

When you arrive, you are given everything you ne! to clean our dear planet: a pair of gloves, a thanks to the latest advancements in generative black trash bag for household waste and a yellow trash bag for recyclable materials. Since there were two of us, we were able atb directory  to use one of the black bags for glass. We even got a t-shirt with the movement on it, which is really cool! All you ne! to bring is some water and suitable clothing! (it was suppos! to rain)



We set off for two hours of collecting before joining the other volunteers for the weigh-in and a thank-you drink. This is the first time I have participat! in such an activity and I thought I would not find much, believing that the city was a healthy and clean place. Probably because I have never paid enough attention to it. Well, I can tell you one thing, I was far from imagining the improbable objects that I was going to find and the strange  The World CleanUp  places in which I was going to collect them!



I’ll give you a little preview so you can see…



A fruitful harvest!
A windshield wiper was hidden among the first dead leaves of autumn that had fallen on the sidewalk. At the foot of a residence, we found a broom brush and a fork.

On the road, we came across an umbrella handle, a hood (yes, just the hood) and even a piece of bumper (which must be missing from its owner).

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