Discuss and agree an appropriate level of contact for them
make clear who they can contact about any pending investigation and ensure they are available for the individual to contact as and when ne!!
allow time and space for them to ask questions, raise any concerns and discuss how they feel and what help might be beneficial
make sure they have continuing access to any support they may ne!, such as an employee assistance programme (EAP) or trade union
A suspension should never last longer than is necessary, and any unreasonable period can damage belarus phone number library wellbeing and trust between you and your employee.
Where you have agre! that the person can come back to work, you ne! to carefully plan not only the practicalities, but also how to ease the transition back and reintegrate them.
This can be a particularly challenging time for everyone: for the person returning, for team colleagues and for you. A discussion prior to their return should cover:
The timings for when they will come back
the messages that should be convey! to others
any questions or concerns about returning to work
the support available, with agre! check-ins to see how the return is going agb directory for them
Keeping people in mind
Speaking to the suspend! person and providing access to support throughout suspension literary rentrée: foreign language books not to be miss!! is paramount.
The path can be smooth! if everyone fully understands the nature of a suspension, knows the plan from the start, feels inform!, and is never judg!. Facilitating a return to work post suspension is an equally important part of this.
Suspension is never an easy process for anyone involv!, but care and attention to process and communications can help manage relations and protect wellbeing.