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Filter your timeline by contact

Imagine a world where you can use the best software for every task. Hook each of them up easily and the way you want. And have them work for you as one.

Stop imagining, it’s real.

Our latest product update includes a series malaysia whatsapp number data of important improvements and additions that will make integrating Salesflare into your sales stack even easier and more powerful.

Ready to give your productivity a boost?

A big update for our Zapier integration

Would you like to be able to  update items (not just create new ones) in Salesflare with Zapier? Or… use custom fields? Or… merge accounts if they already exist?

All this, and more, is included in our latest Zapier update.

Simply head over to Zapier to start using the new version of the integration.

If you have already requested any of these updates from us via chat or support email, we will update you personally as always.

Note: Updates to fields with 19 architecture portfolio examples: get noticed in 2025 options (such as dropdown custom fields, autocompletes, and tags) are not yet supported. However, most other custom field types (text, descriptive text, number, URL, date, checkbox, three-level checkbox) can be updated now.

Integrate everything with Integromat

If you want to try an alternative to Zapier, we present our latest integration to rule many integrations: Integromat .

The advantages of Integromat everything are its drag-and-drop flowcharts, easy branching and advanced controls.

Some things require some cyb directory technical knowledge or a little time to understand.

So we would say this is a powerful tool for power users.

Filter your timeline by contact

Want to see touchpoints with just one or a few contacts?

In addition to filtering  everything to see only interactions of a certain type (like email, call, website visit, …), you can now also filter by contact(s).

It’s located behind the same filter button at the top right of the timeline.

Many other improvements and bug fixes

We’ve fixed bugs you reported, improved everything performance in some areas, tweaked app flows, and more. As always, keep the feedback coming via live chat – we love it!

Coming soon…

  • Email Templates
  • Improved automation of suggested tasks in emails
  • A series of new features in our Outlook plugin
  • Email workflow  (this is a big feature, so it might take a little longer)
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