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Analysis report with tips

In order to receive the analysis report by email, you have to enter your email address report with tips. I don’t understand why this is necessary, though. Why not just display the detailed results and tips in the browser, as we have done up to now.

Apparently Google is trying to build up a large newsletter distribution list here, since by doing so you also agree to receive Google advertising. But whatever, I don’t have a problem with that.

You then have to confirm your registration with a click in the confirmation email and then you will receive the detailed analysis by email. This will show you again how many percent of visitors you are likely to lose and how many seconds you can gain with the recommendations.

The recommendations are listed below:

Links are provided for the problems found, where you can find additional information and instructions. These are relatively detailed tips, which are also available in German. However, beginners will still not be able to do much with them bahrain phone number data report with tips. Concrete, immediately implementable code examples would be better, although I understand that something like this will not be easy to implement.

In addition, there is sometimes less information than in Google PageSpeed. At least the images that are too large or the scripts that are blocking are listed there. Unfortunately, this is not the case in “Test my Site”. This is a disadvantage of this tool and I don’t really understand why this information, which is obviously collected during the analysis, is not made available to users.

Of course, the email advertises AMP as a solution, which is probably true because it loads faster. However, I’m not a fan of AMP and won’t use it.

To improve loading times, I can recommend my article Loading time optimization using only WordPress plugins . This gives beginners in particular a relatively easy way to optimize some things on their own website and thus reduce loading times.

Practical tips for optimization measures

Due to the fact that this Google tool does point out problems but does not really give beginners the means to fix these problems, I plan to write a the goal is not to simply write a text to sell series of articles on this topic in the future.

In it, I want to go through the individual problems and show exactly what you can do to fix them report with tips. This includes concrete code examples, plugin recommendations, further analysis tools and more. I want to ensure that even beginners are able to fix the problems.


With the “Test my Site” tool, Google italy numbers has released a stylish and interesting loading time analysis tool. The industry comparison and the forecast of visitor losses are interesting and certainly motivating.

Unfortunately, the detailed report lacks details.

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