But for freelancers on the internet, the desk is by no means the only place where one should keep things tidy Digital order. For many people, the computer is also a huge mess, which doesn’t help them to be productive.
When I look at some desktops, I wonder how people find anything there. For example, all documents are saved on the desktop, which is complete nonsense.
That’s why it’s important to keep your computer tidy Digital order. This includes a tidy desktop that only contains the program shortcuts that you really use most often. Documents should be stored in a sensible folder structure so that you can find them quickly and keep track of everything.
The same applies to your email inbox, where you should process, edit and, if necessary, delete everything. Simply leaving all emails in your main inbox is not a good idea. Subfolders help you keep track of things. And when it comes to social media, you should also concentrate on the essentials.
Keeping things in order on a computer is not easy, but it is possible. And it contributes significantly to more efficient work and well-being for self-employed people on the Internet.
Order is even more important in the home office
I now work in an external office, but for many years I worked in a home office Digital order. Usually, it’s not just for work, so it tends to be even more messy, especially if you have children.
That’s why it’s very important to keep an overview azerbaijan phone number data and you can only do that by keeping things in order. Clearly labelling which cupboards, drawers, files etc. are for work and what goes in them can help. A clear separation from private things is extremely important. You should always tell yourself that a customer could come now and then it should look accordingly.
From my own experience, I can also say that keeping your home office tidy also helps you to finish work. It just feels good when the work is done and your desk is empty. If you don’t keep things tidy, it’s much harder to switch off. That can be very stressful.
Health and other consequences of disorder
But why all the effort with order? I think order in the workplace is important for two reasons.
On the one hand, it has had a very positive effect on my productivity . Many readers always ask me how I manage to manage several blogs, various paid traffic: everything you need to know before ınvesting websites and other projects. Order and good organization are the key to this. The time you spend at work should be used optimally. And you can only do that if you are not constantly distracted or lose track of things.
It is not uncommon for important tasks to be forgotten or appointments to be missed due to disorganization. In addition, you do not always get the most important things done, but get lost in the little things.
But there is another reason that is now even more important to me. It is about your own health . Chaos in the workplace often leads to stress, excessive demands, restlessness and dissatisfaction .
In the evening, you think about what you italy numbers have actually accomplished and often cannot say exactly. The disorder also causes distractions and often leads to more work. It is a spiral that you can only break out of if you keep things in order.
Since I’ve been paying more attention to keeping my office tidy, I’ve been much more relaxed. The external order also ensures that I have an internal order. When the daily tasks are done, it’s just a good feeling.