What are the advantages and possibilities of the popular video platform and what are the possible disadvantages and problems that it brings with it.
You will learn more about this below Advantages and disadvantages.
This article is part of my YouTube article series .
Why you should use YouTube – advantages and disadvantages
YouTube is basically just a marketing channel like many others Advantages and disadvantages. And just like with Google Search, Facebook or other platforms, the question is whether the cost/benefit ratio of YouTube is right for your own goals.
The possibilities offered by YouTube are certainly argentina phone number data tempting. We often hear about YouTube millionaires and videos that have huge numbers of views. Many people seem to expect that they can become rich and famous overnight. But of course, in the vast majority of cases, that is not the case.
Instead, YouTube also requires a lot of work and perseverance to achieve success. There are also other disadvantages that you should definitely be aware of. But first, let’s look at the advantages.
YouTube is huge
Let’s start with the advantages, and the most important of these is YouTube’s size. According to the company, there are more than 1 billion users worldwide. YouTube is available in 76 languages, meaning it reaches around 95% of all Internet users.
Unfortunately, there are no concrete user numbers for Germany, but estimates range from 4 to 8 million active users. These are people who, for example, create and upload videos themselves.
In total, there are said to be up to 35 million German how to boost a post on social media users who watch videos there at least every now and then. This puts YouTube almost on a par with Facebook.
Of all Google services, YouTube is one of the most popular Advantages and disadvantages. Even Google Search is not as popular as the video platform, as can be seen in the following survey chart:
YouTube is one of the favorite internet offerings, especially among younger users. It may not be as popular as Snapchat and the like, but for around two-thirds, YouTube is right up there with the best:
These figures show very clearly how great the potential italy numbers of YouTube is. It is no longer just a trend or a playground for certain users. Instead, YouTube, like Facebook, has become a mass phenomenon in Germany too.
YouTube reaches large parts of the population and almost every topic is covered there or finds viewers. This naturally makes it interesting for self-employed people and companies too.