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A man who doesn’t stand behind his word

A man’s inability to live up to his claims instantly takes away any respect from women. And we’re not even talking about the popular phrase “said – done”, although that is also very important. Women are very sensitive to when a man pretends to be someone he is not. The discrepancy between a man’s true inner state and his words and actions instantly reveals him as a weak person and deprives him of respect.

Conclusion and findings

The topic of a man’s respect by a woman is very extensive and has a huge number of additional aspects. It would be fair to note that all the list “types” of men can be work on and are not a life sentence. It is important to understand one thing: respect from women is a consequence of a man’s internal strong state, the result of constant work on himself. The main postulate of respect from women is the development of an bc data philippines internal state of strength, in which respect is a self-evident fact. We can endlessly apply various tips from coaches from popular psychology on the topic of respect from women, but until we work on our own internal state and learn to respect ourselves, we will not see the desir result.

Why are we afraid to defend our interests?

Fears, fears. If you behind his word look closely, our entire life is permeat with fears, we are taught from childhood to be afraid of everything, and especially ourselves and our manifestations. One of the common fears is the fear of defending one’s interests, or defending one’s belov self.

It is quite easy to track agb directory the process  formation of this fear, you ne to remember and record how you were brought up, what they said, what they threaten and scar you with. We are all brought up according to approximately the same template.

Is it possible t behind passive income is an impossible dream his word get rid of this habit? Of course, it is! To do this, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this fear, understand where it comes from, replace the existing distortions about it, learn to work with your personal boundaries and strengthen your faith in yourself.



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