Learn why you should You may have noticed that more and more companies are choosing to use videos for Facebook ads .
In fact, video content is becoming increasingly popular – so much so that more and more social networks are relying exclusively on this format, such as Snapchat and Periscope.
Networks that offered other formats
Such as Instagram and Facebook – have new features to boost the production of video content. In fact, this is the big bet made by Nicola Mendelsohn, Facebook’s VP of operations: she believes that in about 5 years, Facebook “will probably be all video” . So, if you want to understand more about videos and their results when to Facebook, this article is for you.
Content consumption on Facebook
Facebook is designed for fast Learn why you should consumption: it is common for us to scroll through the timeline and see only an overview of the posts, without going into much depth.
And keeping a user’s attention in indonesia telegram data these terms is a difficult task to accomplish – and this tends to become increasingly complicated.
That is why video content becomes even more powerful
It breaks the monotony of text blocks, which usually results in higher engagement rates.
Even organic posts that offer video choose the right visuals content also have a greater reach than posts that contain only an image – 135% greater, to be exact .
And in this increasingly dynamic scenario, it has digital advertisers, who have even in posts with a more organic tone. Learn why you should Facebook ad campaigns
focused on video views are, for the most part, successful and generate low costs per video view – but with high engagement and conversion rates. Few digital marketing platforms can generate similar results for your company – let alone conventional media!
Elements of a Successful Video
When we think about producing an sad life box advertising video, it’s quite common to think that it will involve a lot of costs – some of which are even unfeasible.
Lack of time, budget, available equipment or the cinematographic skills to make a convincing video – this list of obstacles can be quite long.
But the great advantage of betting on
Learn why you should Digital media is that you don’t always a super production. A good smartphone already guarantees a good result.
That’s because the cameras built into today’s smartphones offer high-quality images and videos, some effects and endless possibilities.
Some video editing apps can help you apply filters, voiceovers, text, subtitles and much more – and all you need is your phone.
The main goal of visual content is to capture
A potential customer’s attention, hit them with your powerful call to action and intrigue them enough to attract them to your website or product.
Even if the prospect of filming and editing videos for Facebook ads still seems too , the platform itself offers alternatives.
The social network has an application Slideshow , where you just to upload some images and Facebook will fit them into a video for you, giving you the option to choose a soundtrack, slide duration, text overlays and transition filters.
Your company doesn’t even need to produce
The images – Facebook has a library of free photos, thanks to its partnership with Stockphotos .
It’s also important to consider the platform on which your ad will be. The vast majority of Facebook users access the platform through mobile devices.
This is powerful information for planning the creation and optimization of your videos for Facebook ads before launching them: keep mobile in mind , as your content is more likely to be viewed in that format.