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A man who doesn’t know the value of his time

In modern society, time is one of the most valuable natural resources. How a man manages his time says a lot. Respect  who doesn’t from a woman very clearly depends on how valuable a man’s time is to him. If after another meeting with a woman he continues to obsessively “storm” her phone with calls and messages on business and without, then for a woman such behavior will be assess as the behavior of a rather weak man who does not know the value of his time and does not inspire respect. A man who knows the value of his time and is not ready to waste it on endless empty dialogues automatically inspires respect in women.


A man who has no “right” to take what is his

By the phrase “the  who doesn’t right to take what is yours” I mean a state in which a person does not settle for less and is ready bc data mexico to take exactly what he nes or not take at all. This can be about anything: career, money, influence and, of course, relationships with women. A man who is not able to openly “claim” any role in a relationship with a woman and is ready to settle for less, instantly loses respect. It is from this aspect that the modern problem of the friend zone among men arises: when the desir partner seems too attractive and the man, experiencing fear of being reject, goes into the state of “friend”, because he is not ready right now to openly claim her as a woman or to refuse her altogether, in the event that he is reject.

A man who is not ready to take responsibility

We are who doesn’t not this demographic provides valuable opportunities talking about the usual “everyday” responsibility. By agb directory the concept of “responsibility” I mean the ability of a man to directly influence his life, without blaming his problems on any external circumstances or reasons. When a man blames circumstances, weather, inappropriate time and other factors beyond his control for all his problems, women very quickly lose respect. After all, they want to be with a strong and courageous man who is able to make decisions independently and change his situation, without blaming everything on any external reasons.


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