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An elephant is a big task that

Now take a break for a couple of minutes, look out the window, go out onto the balcony and breathe in some fresh air. When you come back, look at the list again, determine what difficulties there may be in completing a certain task, and think about their solution.

3. Always remember the two-minute rule

There is a good rule in time management – if a task can be complet in 2-5 minutes, then do not postpone it for later, complete it and cross it off the list.
Let’s say you want to learn English, and one of the items is to find textbooks, audio courses, download several films in English. All this can be done quickly. Do it and move on to the next one. In this way, in an hour you can easily complete up to 20 tasks.

4. Did you know that the French  eat frogs? Well, you too will have to become a Frenchman and “eat a frog.” Highlight in green the most undesirable tasks on your list, those that you are a little too lazy to do. Such tasks are call frogs in time management. It is best to do them in the morning, when your mood is up, and you have a great desire to work. Do them, cross them out, and devote the rest of the day to more pleasant things.

5. Know how to divide the “elephant”

can be divid into An elephant many small ones. Remember the phrase – “Divide and rule”? Well, we will also use this principle, only in our own way. Divide and execute.

6. Praise yoursel An elephant f for each complet goal. Yes, you understood everything correctly, you ne to be able to reward yourself, thank and praise yourself. Personally, when I set a task for myself, I also define the praise. For agb directory example, having complet the plan for the day, in the evening I will go and drink fresh juice, or eat a delicious salad.

Article on the topic:  “How to develop self-confidence? 10 methods!”

2. Let’s move An these interactive elements engage attendees elephant on to the second stage. Now, from all the written tasks, you ne to cross out what is not ne. I am sure that you have written down all the most important things, but review them again, perhaps something is secondary and it is better to concentrate on more important tasks.
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