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Because if you have a message worth spreading

In the previous part of this Content Marketing Masterclass, we presented tried and tested copywriting techniques from old-school copywriting masters.

Because if you have a message worth spreading, you have to turkey whatsapp number data share the love. Not once, not twice, but over and over again. You have to preach that message to anyone who will listen. You know, like an evangelist.

Jokes aside, there is a ton of content created every day

And the sad truth is that most of it gets no attention.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve taken the time to write quality, well-researched content , follow these commandments to make sure your message reaches your readers. They’ll be singing Hallelujah in no time!

This post is part seven of a brand swyft filings: perfect for beginner entrepreneurs new Content Distribution content marketing masterclass series. We think it’s an incredibly important topic – and based on a little survey we conducted, you think so too. The problem is, there’s so much content out there (meta) about content marketing, and a lot of it is conflicting information.

We bring you this Masterclass Content Distribution in partnership with Anouck Meier, Chief Storytelling Officer at Ampersand . Anouck is a conversion-focused copywriter and content marketing strategist who has worked with cyb directory many brands, big and small, to help them achieve their business goals through strategic content. We’re going to break down content once and for all in a comprehensive guide. Ready to get started?

You must take content distribution seriously

Oh, I remember when I had a curated list of blogs in my browser’s bookmarks folder. There were only a handful of them – mostly fashion blogs and wedding planning blogs (and yes, I got married, thank you).

I would check them almost every day (or more if work was slow) to see if there were any new posts. That’s what you did in the early 00s.

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