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Bid on the right keywords

Keyword research is mandatory for all search engine marketing measures. Only those who use the right keywords will be successful. In practice, it is a good idea to compile a large list of possible keywords. Product management and marketing should work closely together here. Validate your list using tools such as the Google Keyword Planner. Also consider the region in which you want to run the campaign. Users in the USA may search for different terms than those in England. When booking keywords, be sure to test out different match types: Which ones perform better? Be sure to also consider negative keywords!

#3 Book negative keywords to avoid wastage

Booking the right keywords is only italy phone number list half the battle. In order to avoid wastage, it is essential to book negative keywords. This will prevent your ads from being shown for search queries that are not relevant to you. In the worst case, this will cause unqualified clicks and therefore unnecessary costs. Before booking keywords, you should check what else is often searched for in combination with these keywords. If these combinations are not relevant to you, book them as negative keywords. This will give you a high click rate, which will have a positive effect on the quality factor of your keywords.

#4 Ensure a homogeneous account structure

There are pitfalls lurking when structuring your campaigns. Basically, you should always structure your campaigns according to a this decision aimed to block automatic data scraping chosen scheme. You can base your approach on your goals, your website structure, topics or other logical points. It is important that the structure is clear and understandable, because often several people are involved in the optimization. The clearer the structure, the more understandable. When structuring ad groups, you should always proceed according to keywords: Which ones fit together thematically? Be as homogeneous as possible. This allows you to tailor your ads to the keywords in each ad group even more precisely. To the benefit of your quality factor.

#5 Set up your campaigns correctly

There are numerous setting options tg database when creating a campaign: from region to language, delivery timing, bidding strategies, devices, and ad rotation. Familiarize yourself with the settings to select the most effective ones for your campaign. Make sure that your campaigns do not cannibalize each other. For example, if you have different country campaigns. Set the right regions and languages ​​and do not assign regions twice. Deliver your campaigns 24/7 to begin with. But check promptly at which times the campaign is particularly successful. Adjust your delivery accordingly. Consider the choice of devices: if your website is not mobile-optimized, you should not deliver the campaign on mobile devices either.

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