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Chatbots and content marketing

Chatbots and content marketing Chatbots: discover how to revolutionize your relationship with customers
Chatbots are one of the biggest trends in digital marketing for 2017. This is a great sign that digital experiences are evolving more and more. Through them, your company can help your customers and potential leads in their search for information, products and services, optimizing customer service. Companies that want to be better positioned against the competition need to master two points: how to get the best results from this new technology and how your potential customer sees and deals with it. So, keep reading to ensure a good position for your company in this race!

What exactly is a Chatbot?

Chatbots and content marketing Chatbots are software robots programmed to interact with people. If you have a more modern smartphone, you deal with one on a daily basis: Siri for iPhone , Google Now for Androids and Cortana for Windows Mobile.

Nowadays, we can find this technology in two formats:

Those that operate through instant messaging laos telegram data applications (AI) and those that operate in automated telephone systems (AH).
These AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) bots use natural language processes of text or voice to find out what the user is looking for.

The AH-based version is more like

Those call centers where each key takes you conducting keyword research to a sector: 1 for finance, 3 for customer support and 5 to speak to an operator.
Nowadays, there are a number of companies in the market that have these process automation solutions , customizable according to the needs of each company.

Facebook Chatbots

One of the main indicators of the digital sad life box landscape today is Facebook’s recent bets: if Mark Zuckerberg is doing it, you should follow suit.
Recently, the main engine of social media began offering companies the possibility of creating chatbots that could interact through the Messenger tool.
The first Brazilian chatbot approved by Facebook was from a startup that automates express delivery operations.
Through it, it is possible to make quotes and request express delivery in nine Brazilian capitals.

Are bots the apps of the future?

The scenario suggests that chatbots will be one of the main – if not the main – channels for digital interaction. Especially for mobile devices.
The trend is that we will increasingly stop having an app for each company and will start to centralize everything in a single tool.
Through them, companies will be able to distribute content and make the daily lives of companies and, especially, their customers much easier.
And the rule is clear: the more companies make their customers’ daily lives easier, the closer they will get to their hearts.

Why should your company invest in Chatbots?

People are increasingly connected: we check our emails, the latest news, our social networks, research prices and make purchases online.
Therefore, it is only natural that people want to focus their contact with companies within the digital environment.

With this, companies have gained a

New channel for interacting with their consumers. For better or for worse: new technologies make it easier to get closer to customers, but mistakes such as bad timing or lack of mastery of the tool can be costly.
Another important issue is that chatbots make things much easier, but they do not replace “human warmth”.

The vast majority of bots still sound

Like cold and mechanical responses – which can be frustrating, depending on the situation for which you are asking for help.
But since it is an evolving trend, everything indicates that chatbots will improve more and more over time.
And their greatest charm is already in their full functionality: practicality.
Why stop everything to make a call when you can send a message via WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger? There is no need to exit any application or leave your routine on standby while you wait for the company to return.


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