Wearing masks is a protective alternative. A especially for those who handle food. However. A it is important to note that they are disposable and should therefore be changed frequently.
In times of coronavirus. A it is worth remembering continue working from home that ideally all employees who have direct contact with people should wear masks. Remember that these protective objects must be used consciously so that there is albania phone number data enough for health professionals. A at-risk groups and sick people. A who are most in need of this type of protection at this time.
4. Cleaning the environment
Cleaning the entire commercial establishment and company is essential. This should be done in pandemic situations or not. However. A as the coronavirus alert is increasing. A it is important to reinforce hygiene.
Therefore. A clean the counters of supermarkets. A bakeries. A pharmacies and other places with germicides. Cleaning products such as 7 reasons why it’s important to support local businesses disinfectants continue working from home are ideal for this situation. They help eliminate the spread of the virus. In addition. A thoroughly clean bathrooms. A office desks and always wipe the floor with a damp cloth to eliminate any type of risk.
5. Be careful when coughing or sneezing
Through internal campaigns. A teach all your employees that when coughing or sneezing they should always cover their nose and mouth with their forearm. After all. A hands are not the best protection. A as they are in contact with several objects and can transmit the virus to other people if you are already infected.
Strategies for companies that had to close
In several Brazilian cities. A mayors have announced the closure of stores and businesses to prevent crowds from gathering. As previously stated. A contact lists only essential businesses will be allowed to operate normally. A but with protective measures in place.
However. A the employer must provide the necessary conditions for the employee to perform his/her duties from home. Therefore. A if the employee is unable to work from home . A the ideal situation is for the manager to give everyone a collective vacation or time off to prevent them from becoming infected.
However. A most organizations have opted to continue working from home. A and for production to be efficient. A a lot of commitment is required. Here are some tips to help your company survive the chaos of the coronavirus: