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Create and Manage Email Campaigns for Online Retailers

Knowing why we use social media in the morning or during working hours will solve half of the problem. Some of the main reasons are mentioned below:

We wake up and immediately check our phones

flooding our brains with dopamine, the happy hormone that is released in the body to give us a brief moment of happiness.

Every time our brain sends out a red alert slovenia phone number data saying stress levels are high, we get stuck in an endless vicious cycle of distracting ourselves by scrolling through social media apps.

    • Habit

Checking social media has become a habit. We can’t imagine not browsing social media most of the time. In fact, many of us start  strikingly website builder early as soon as we wake up. We post every detail about our lives. We pick up our phones during family time, personal time, and even during meetings at the office.

The impact of social media in the morning

Using social media in the morning and during our work hours has many implications:

  • Procrastination and a negative life
  • Distraction and Task Switching
  • Low productivity and creativity levels

What starts out as a quick check ends up taking up most of our productive time. Checking your phone in the morning means you end up procrastinating on all the tasks on your to-do list. At the end of the day, you’ll have an unchecked to-do list. All you’ll end up doing is sabotaging your life.

We end up checking social media at cameroon business directory work due to high stress levels in our brain or due to pop-up notifications. This leads to the trap of infinite scrolling which eats up 15 to 20 minutes of your work time. Constant switching from work to social media means constant distraction. This doesn’t keep you focused on your work. This means your work quality and productivity will suffer.

In the long run, it can also reduce your creativity and lead to fatigue.


How to start your own social media-free morning

Mornings are about being refreshed and ready to start the day. This is when many people relax with a cup of coffee and a newspaper. This is also when many industry leaders lay the foundation for a productive day at work. This is when you jot down ideas, check emails, make lists, etc.

If social media consumes precious time, it can lead to our creativity going untapped.

So what can replace social media scrolling in this newfound time? You can take advantage of this time by making some lifestyle changes, such as:

  • meditation
  • Relax with your family
  • Catch up on news and world events
  • journal
  • Sports, running, etc.

How to Replace Your Media Events with Something Else

We can’t start this challenge with a vague goal of not checking social media. After all, it’s hard to break a habit. Here are three ideas that can help.

Limit your time on social media

Limit your time on social media. Make a specific plan:

  • When Do you check your social media during the day?
  • Innovation Center How long will this commitment last? Is it a week, a month, or a year?
  • What will you check? Make a list of specific apps you won’t check and be crystal clear about it. For example, checking email wouldn’t count as a social media app.

Raise the Stakes with an Accountability Partner

Some of us will never follow the rules unless we hold someone accountable. You can hold a family member or close friend accountable for your actions. We can also assign a penalty if the rules are broken.

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