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Department of Ashman and Partners Ukraine

The second aspect that requires a clear understanding when working with ORM (online reputation management) is the sources of threats to your online reputation, which may be dissatisfied customers and unscrupulous competitors. Everything is simple here: customers, first of all, want satisfaction in case they did not like what they got for their money.

Rules for effective online reputation management:

Arguing or proving your case (even if you are right a hundred times) is absolutely pointless. Remember that in any online communication, your main goal is not to “resolve the gambling data malaysia issue” with one person (your interlocutor), but to show everyone who is watching your communication that you are a responsible and customer-oriented company. Therefore, the formula is simple: “apologize and thank”, regardless of what you think and what the essence of the situation is.

If the source of threats to your reputation is an intruder

A competitor or a former employee), do not rush to act, as any of your words can be used against you. In this case, it is better to contact specialists. If you are not 100% sure that you are dealing with a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” (a competitor under the guise of a dissatisfied client), it is better to perceive the situation as communication with the client than to come up with creative moves without a predictable result.

Unfortunately, there is also a third option

In addition to dissatisfied customers and summer 2024 summer social media trends attackers, sooner or later your brand pages will definitely be visited by people who need to assert themselves at all costs at the expense of your SMM manager’s working time. These are trolls.

In fact, I don’t know a clear definition of this phenomenon, because some call any “problematic” communication trolling. And this really depends largely on who actually represents your brand in social media. That is, who exactly sits on the other side of your logo on your Facebook page.

Trolling is a game in many ways

A communication game. And the winner is the one who earns more points in front of the audience, which are other subscribers to switzerland leads your pages. Therefore, the first method of counteracting this phenomenon is – “who will out-troll whom”. Again, everything will depend on who is sitting at the keyboard on your side. Will he be able to “walk the line” that separates sophisticated trolling, which will be appreciated by the audience, and clumsy offensive jokes that can become a new round of conflict? It is difficult, so if you doubt – do not entrust such things to performers.



Alexander Fedotov (Head of the Complex Projects


1. Avoid personal attacks – stick to constructive and calm “debriefing”.

2. Always respond (even briefly, but this way you demonstrate that you care) and preferably quickly.

3. Be aware of all mentions about you online, because if you don’t monitor them, they are most likely negative.


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