Digital Transformation trends We are almost at the end of the first quarter of the year, but there is still time to start a good digital transformation process for 2017 in your company.
Since we know that this may be a year of tight budgets for your business, we have also included some suggestions for actions below. This way, your company can already start the digital transformation
process by adopting specific – but effective – strategies that allow you to strengthen your relationship with your customers and generate new business opportunities. Find out more below!
Virtual reality is already a reality
Virtual reality-based technologies, such as Digital Transformation trends Rift Glasses or Google Cardboard , have a huge impact on the way companies can engage consumers.
And one of the most important actions within digital marketing is personalization. Virtual reality allows you to literally tell immersive stories or show in practice how your products or services work.
Companies, especially in the retail sector, that do not explore virtual experiences as a sales strategy may even see a drop in revenue.
The adoption of virtual reality is one of
The major current trends in digital belgium telegram data transformation for 2017. And it will certainly generate some kind of change in marketing ideology.
And, as with every trend, it is essential to embrace virtual reality now, to see first-hand the results of this new technology.
Volvo is a great example of this:
Digital Transformation trends Together with the launch of the Volvo the ultimate guide to mastering 3d photography XC90 SUV model, the company created an app that allowed the user to feel like they were behind the wheel of the car on a drive through the countryside.
In addition to positioning itself as more innovative compared to the competition, Volvo may have also created a new trend : remote test drives.
When research goes beyond search engines
Facebook has already been working on its own search engine – which promises to be a good competitor to the already well-known sad life box Google, Bing and Yahoo.
And digital social platforms as a whole are working to offer increasingly efficient search features – which can be great for your company .
Another advantage of social networks this year, especially on Facebook, is the emergence of buy buttons and payment messages.
All of this shows that the concept of
Omnichannel is also one of the main trends of Digital Transformation for 2017.
All of this creates a convergence on social networks, allowing consumers to make purchases, talk to their friends about what they bought and share their new acquisitions.
Digital Transformation trends Advanced search will bring a more integrated social experience, which expands the domain of e-commerce.
If your company explores new marketing actions in
This “all-in-one” format, of buying and sharing on social media, it can reap excellent results .
The secret is not only to make the purchase process easier, but also to transform it into an experience.
There is still timee-book on digital marketing trends 2017 to prepare to implement this year’s main digital marketing trends in your company: click and follow and download our e-book!
How to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to your advantage
Wearable technology has seen a 28% adoption rate in the last year – making it yet another source of data for marketers.
Today, your company can extract a wealth of data based on the daily habits of your potential customers.
Everything indicates that
IoT will increasingly become a tool that Digital Transformation trends marketers can use to create and strengthen relationships between companies and customers.
There are already tools that track the movement of consumers’ eyes in a storefront. This allows you to choose strategic locations to place special promotions and information.
Use the Small Data your company already has on hand right now
There is a lot of talk about the power of Big Data. But many companies forget that just a little customer data can provide excellent business insights .