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Do you know and control analytics?

After you have optimized your wordpress website for search engines. You will also need to focus on checking the results of your marketing strategies. One of the most effective cyprus phone number library ways to check if your site is working for the purposes for which you created it is to analyze its performance data . That is. To know exactly how much traffic is being directed to its pages. Where users who access it come from geographically. Which sections of the site are visited most frequently or at what point potential customers decide to stop their virtual exploration of your business.

How to get this precious data?

By connecting your site to platforms like google analytics . A google tool that allows you to track every action of your visitors and record a huge amount of statistics. This analytical data is essential to evaluate the progress of each of your marketing strategies and only with a detailed study of the kpis (or key performance indicators) is it possible to make strategic decisions based on concrete and objective information.

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Does your website offer useful content?

One of the most common mistakes among those who do seo in a non-professional way is to apply the optimization rules in a methodical and “aseptic” way. Without considering that behind digital strategies there are real users who want to get closer to your brand.

When developing or optimizing your site or preparing the material to include on it. Remember one fundamental rule: any content. Whether textual or visual. Must respond to the needs of your users. Satisfy their needs. Answer their questions and dispel their doubts.

Putting yourself in your potential betting email list customers’ shoes is really useful in this sense: ask yourself questions like “What are my customers looking for when they browse my site?” or “Do they easily find the information they need?”. It is precisely an analysis of this type that determines whether your site contains valuable content that is easily usable by the public or not. When designing your online space. Always put yourself in the perspective of the potential buyer and make their user experience as pleasant. Streamlined and fluid as possible .

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