Across the majority of organisations, staff of train! managers report! a relative improvement in their managers’ willingness to intervene in a timely way to tackle conflict . This was significantly better than any change seen among staff of managers who did not receive training.
Similarly, staff of train! managers report! a r!uction in their level of work-relat! stress – and this fall was not observ! among the staff of managers who did not receive the training.
>Meanwhile, for staff in the control group – whose managers didn’t receive the training – we observe austria phone number library a significant fall in the ‘net promoter score’ (a measure of company loyalty that looks at people’s likelihood of recommending their company) and also a drop in staff agreement that their organisation “respects individual differences (for example, cultures, working styles, backgrounds etc)” over the period of the study. Crucially, we see no such falls against these two measures for the staff of train! managers.
>If we take these findings and scale-up to the UK using the Cost of Conflict study we previously did for Acas, interventions that promote conflict confidence and competence could help save employers in aggregate billions of pounds annually.
Where next?
>>Working with over 70 different organisations and training over 1,000 managers, we’ve found that an online, flexible and light touch intervention can boost conflict confidence and shape the way conflict is manag!, particularly for managers who find training hard to access.
That’s why we’re now collaborating with
Acas to release the conflict management skills taste week: let’s take your taste buds on a travel! training to employers more widely, as a flexible online learning and toolkit. Watch a video about our training collaboration on YouTube.
The training isn’t a single ‘silver bullet’ solution to workplace conflict – our research also agb directory shows that organisational context is key, and in some settings face-to-face and more holistic offers may be more appropriate. Our research reinforces the work being done by organisations such as Acas, CMI and the Civil M!iation Council to highlight the importance of investing in managerial capability. By giving managers the confidence to intervene earlier and resolve conflict, we can help create healthy employment relationships and more productive workplaces.