Have virtual sales channels
If your organization survives on sales, like most companies, it is possible to continue making a profit. One alternative is to make online sales channels for your employees available . After all, as long as hygiene criteria are respected, companies can continue delivering their products normally.
Therefore, it is possible to open a store on algeria phone number data Instagram or Facebook , maintain contact via WhatsApp and deliver goods.
Home office
The home office system is a great way for the company to continue operating during this crisis. However, it requires a lot of responsibility on the part of the employee. If your company has adopted or is going to adopt this system, here are for your employees some important tips:
- Create a schedule for your professionals, preferably using online tools that can be monitored;
- Tell your team to maintain regular breaks, such as lunch and snacks;
- Keep in touch with your team, whether by email or WhatsApp;
- Set a daily goal for employees so that demands are not delayed.
Project revenue for the coming months
During this period when the economy is how to support local businesses with strikingly quite volatile, it is best to separate your expenses by type of expense, so that you can organize them better. This way, you can have an idea of how much you will have to spend on each item and how much money will be needed to maintain your business.
Take the opportunity to cut unnecessary for your employees expenses and spending at this time, in order to save money and protect your cash flow during the crisis.
In times of coronavirus, cutting costs is the most sensible thing to do. Therefore, only spend on what is important and invest in something if it is contact lists really necessary. Also, try to renegotiate the terms of bills, such as energy and water bills.
To increase sales, it is important to think for your employees about strategies . The ideal is to have promotions that do not affect your profits too much, but that also benefit your consumer.
Think of ways to continue selling to your customers during this time of crisis and creating cash flow for your business. This way, it will be easier to overcome the crisis when all this is over.