It is said that a website should be renewed every 5-8 years. During that time, it becomes outdated not only technologically, but also morally. Graphically, it becomes outdated and does not meet the current requirements of the time and especially the needs of its operator. If you are satisfied with the current supplier and he is capable of a new, advanced solution, your job is quite easy. However, in most cases, I encounter a different situation when companies are looking for a new website supplier.
Years ago, you had someone, an independent
web designer or agency, build your website denmark email list How to choose and since then, no one has taken much care of it from a technical point of view. You have managed to do updates and some essential things on it yourself over the years. So you don’t have a relationship with the original supplier and therefore don’t have much reason to contact them again. So you decide to choose someone new for the new website, so that it will all have a spark, a new the impact of influencer marketing on your business look and be really new and nice from the ground up.
I will leave aside the technical solution itself and whether it makes sense to continue with it or not, or to build it all over again. This topic is for a separate article. Now let’s look at what you should want from a new website provider, what you denmark business directory can expect and what to look out for.
Requirements for standard website delivery
Make sure with your supplier that your How to choose website will include:
- Website (the technical solution itself, you can choose anything, you need to choose according to your purpose and functionality requirements, for a regular presence website I recommend WordPress*) and don’t forget about its security
- Website appearance – graphics ** (usually based on a template that is customized or the entire graphics are built from scratch; the difference will of course be in the price and delivery time) including the logo. The website appearance should respect the basic visual identity of the company, the so-called brand manual, if the company has one (colors, font type and size, or other graphic elements).