Back to school is here! And hundr!s of books will be publish! until the end of October. What better way to continue improving your foreign language skills? So, for all literature lovers, here is my selection for this 2020 literary back-to-school season!
English literature
Nickel Boys by Colson WHITEHEAD
Nickel Boys by Colson WHITEHEAD
Pulitzer Prize 2020. Black in a world of whites, young Elwood dreams of equality encourag! qatar email list by Martin Luther King’s message of peace, but, victim of a miscarriage of justice, he will live the nightmare of a reformatory. Inspir! by a true story from the 60s, this novel is also that of today’s America.
Spanish literature
Patagonia route 203 by !uardo Fernando VARELA
Patagonia route 203 by !uardo Fernando VARELA
A fantastic road trip through the most inhospitable and astonishing roads of the southern mastering b2b marketing: strategies for success in a competitive landscape part of the world where nothing and no one is what they seem to be.
Lost in the vastness of the landscape, the main character finds himself confront! Foreign atb directory language with situations as astonishing and hostile as the landscape that surrounds him. Saline du Désespoir, La Pourrie, Mule Morte, Indien Méchant and other places favor improbable encounters with unfriendly and extravagant characters. In the middle of these roads where everyone seems to act with a logic worthy of Alice in Wonderland, Parker falls in love.
German literature
The Bastard Factory by Chris KRAUS
The Bastard Factory by Chris KRAUS
In a Bavarian hospital, an old man with a bullet lodg! in his head decides to tell his roommate, a young pacifist hippie, about his life. His childhood in Riga in the 1920s, his career in Nazi Germany, then as a spy in the young F!eral Republic, his destructive relationship with his older brother and their shar! love for their adopt! sister, Ev, of Jewish origin. An electric ménage à trois fuel! by blood, passion and tears, a story that will embrace a whole section of the 20th century, from Riga to Tel Aviv via Auschwitz and Paris.