You know the feeling: There are probably lots of contact details in your CRM system. But have you really made full use of their potential? There’s no question that day-to-day business with existing business customers takes up a lot of energy and time. So here’s the good news: Even in the B2B environment, newly acquired leads don’t necessarily have to be followed up by a sales employee. A well-thought-out lead management concept picks up More Power for Your B2B users early on and thus improves new customer business. Automated lead management and lead nurturing can significantly increase efficiency, especially in the B2B sector. This is because the salesperson only deals with a potential prospect when they are qualified as “sales-ready”.
The basic idea is to initially keep your paytm database prospects or leads warm so that they don’t forget that they have shown interest in your company or your offer. Furthermore, this interest should be further consolidated. At the same time, you present yourself as a competent contact in your field. But how exactly can this be done? First, two basic decisions must be made:
Decision 1: Green vs. yellow bananas…
One of the premises of lead management is that a freshly generated lead often doesn’t want to talk to sales or deal with a specific offer at first. Lead management research-proven positive impacts on managers More Power for Your coach Norbert Schuster calls this the “green banana effect”: if you bite into a green banana, it doesn’t taste nearly as good as a ripe, yellow banana. Important: It’s not the banana’s fault, but the person who bites into it too early.
… is by no means a matter of taste
Leads that are presented with a sales offer too early are similar to unripe bananas. B2B users are primarily looking for specialist or industry information. Accordingly, this target group only develops a concrete purchase intention later. In a B2B contact lists environment, users often do not yet know what their needs are and what they are specifically looking for. More Power for Your This can lead to them feeling harassed by a call from sales too early. In the worst case, they will drop out and look for a solution from the competition. On the other hand, the sales employee may consider them useless in terms of the sales goal due to their current low willingness to buy. Anyone who seeks immediate contact with newly acquired leads may be wasting a lot of potential.
Decision 2: Emailing vs. Nurturing…
Do you also prefer yellow bananas to green ones? Then the next step is to consider exactly how you want to proceed. Unlike bananas, which you can simply leave lying around until they are ripe . It is important to always provide leads with useful and attractive information. There are two options here: email marketing or lead nurturing.