As a founder, it’s important to always keep learning, from the latest trends to best practices and more.
But when you don’t have time to read an article or a book, there’s still a convenient way to learn more about the startup world and the people who succeed in it: podcasts.
Podcasts have grown tremendously in thailand whatsapp number data recent years and there is a wealth of valuable content out there.
Isn’t it always nice to find inspiration and new perspectives?
But how do you start? With all the options out there, which are the best ones to listen to?
You’re in luck: we’ve put together a list of 20 of our favorite podcasts for your listening enjoyment – check it out below!
The 20 Best Podcasts for Startup Founders
1. The Masters of the Scale
One of the best podcasts for startup what to include in your us company business plan? founders out there, Masters of Scale is perfect for anyone trying to successfully build a high-growth company.
It’s packed with interviews with the leaders of some of the world’s most valuable companies. From Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to PayPal and Palantir’s Peter Thiel, among other big names.
Interviews typically focus on themes and Startup Founders offer listeners the opportunity to hear specific tips and best practices for anyone looking to grow their business.
2. The Tim Ferriss Show
Tim Ferriss is a successful cyb directory investor, entrepreneur, and bestselling author who delivers great value in his podcast. It’s consistently one Startup Founders of the most downloaded business podcasts.
3. Business Wars
Business Wars is a unique podcast in that it talks about companies in the form of “battles,” such as Nike vs. Adidas or Nintendo vs. Sony, and gives “the real, unauthorized story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors, and executives to new heights – or to ruin.”