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Are you ready to put a smiling face to your company name?

Their new website includes a dropdown menu that enables visitors to easily find the residential roofing services they are in ne of. Additionally, a new gallery to better showcase various projects from over the years has been add to their put a smiling face website. Finally, a new contact portal allows visitors to quickly get in touch with a member of the Rudder Construction team.

A Day or Two Before the Photoshoot

  • If you have security in your russia phone number data building, register the photographer’s information with them.
  • Make sure the conference room or allocat area is clean and ready for the photoshoot.
  • Send a reminder to your team. Here are some important details to include:
    • What time they should be ready for their headshot.
    • Do you want them to wear a company shirt or particular color?
    • Be specific about what you want them to wear. Are you going for a professional or casual look? Consider asking them not to wear busy patterns.
    • Encourage them to get a good night’s sleep before the shoot, so they look rest and refresh.

The Day of the Photoshoot

  • Make sure the photographer has linkedin: why integrate it into your strategy? access to the building and photoshoot area. It will take about 30 minutes to set up the lighting, cameras, tripods, etc.
  • Set up items your team may ne before they’re photograph – mirror, lint rollers, blotting paper, finishing powder, etc.
  • Offer the photographer water and snacks.
  • Relax and smile for the camera!

Follow these tips, and you’ll be ready for a successful photoshoot! If you have any questions about your upcoming photo shoot, contact us today at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.

  1. Committ to excellence, integrity, and quality for the past 35 years, the team at Rudder Construction seeks to provide roofing installations that exce manufacturer specifications with a community-first approach.

Impact Group Marketing built this new put cell phone number a smiling face site in partnership with Branding Iron Management using the WordPress content management system, allowing for page-by-page customization with ease. The website is also responsive to tablet and mobile devices, making it easily accessible while on the go. For more information about Impact Group Marketing’s website development services,


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