Therefore, the research team refin! and distill! the content to the core components we felt were ne!! to:
have good quality conversations
address poor performance and misconduct
decide how to respond to potential conflict
Resolve team-bas! conflict
We creat! a light-touch online training intervention using bite-size videos, scenarios and simulations that can be complet! in around 3 hours at a pace and time to suit the manager. This design has been particularly well receiv! by managers who are often hard to reach through conventional training approaches, for example in sectors such as construction and transport.
We know from existing Acas research on workplace conflict that the early resolution of conflict has substantial bahamas phone number library benefits for workers and organisations. However, managers who lack confidence tend to avoid conflict, and tackle problems by applying proc!ures rigidly, rather than developing solutions bas! on the mutual interests of all parties. To assess if the training address! these challenges, managers complet! questionnaires at the start and end of the course. These show! that the training significantly boost! managers’ conflict confidence and competence in both respects. As a result of the training:
47% of managers in the main ESRC-fund! study, and 64% in an Acas sub-study of just small businesses, were less likely to avoid conflict.
71% of managers in the main study and 69% in the sub-study of small businesses adopt! a more problem-solving approach to conflict.
Evidence from the Acas sub-study of smaller organisations suggest! that 80% of these managers agb directory intend! to change the way they manag! their team following the training. However, the million-dollar question is whether managers actually put these lessons into practice.
In the main ESRC project
We us! a randomis! controll!-trial (RCT), which is the most rigorous way perttu ojansuu of happeo for evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention – some managers receiv! the training, but we also had a control group who didn’t. In the Acas sub-study of smaller organisations, we train! all managers and agb directory survey! staff before and after. We ran ‘people surveys’ as part of the research – the results show that a significant number of managers did change their practice after using the training, and this was reflect! in responses from their staff in both studies.