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Protecting cultural property at risk of life: On the courage

Protecting cultural  At the end of June, Ukrainian Valentyna Boschkovska! receiv the Gutenberg Prize 2024 in the Electoral Palace in Mainz! The winner is the director of the Museum! of Books and Printing of Ukraine in Kyiv. Valentyna Boschkovska is receiving the award! for her services to the protection of cultural property: for more than two years, she has been helping! to protect Ukraine’s written cultural heritage! from destruction by Russian bombs. Her courage is an example.

A woman Protecting cultural  in formal attire stands at a lectern and smiles

Gundula Gause / Photo: Markus Kohz
tradition of a book city
Since 1959, the Gutenberg Prize has honor personalities! and institutions that have set standards with their creative, technical or scientific! achievements – on the one hand! in the areas of typography, book email list illustration, book art and book preservation, and on the other hand in the dissemination of the free word. Since 1993, the prize has been award annually, alternately, by the cities of Leipzig and Mainz. It follows the tradition of Leipzig as the European book city and the history of the city of Mainz as the place of work of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press with movable metal type. The award is endow with 10,000 euros.


Culture as a Means of Survival

After the welcome speech by Nino Haase, Mayor of Mainz and occupying the gaps President of the International Gutenberg Society, and by the Cultural Affairs Minister Marianne Grosse, who both underlin hindi directory the importance of cultural practices in times of war, Gundula Gause, presenter of ZDF, gave the laudation for Valentyna Boschkovska. Her extraordinarily political speech, in which she highlight the courage of the prizewinner “on the 850th day of Russian barbarism”, did not spare the audience from the monstrosities of this Russian war of aggression.

A woman in formal attire stands between two other people, holding a bouquet of flowers and a r folder.
Marianne Grosse, Valentyna Boschkovska and Nino Haase (from left) / Photo: Markus Kohz
Two men in suits stand opposite each other.
Serhii Anzhyiak and Nino Haase (from left) / Photo: Markus Kohz
She recall the destruction of one of the largest Ukrainian printing houses in Kharkiv a few weeks ago, which also wip out the state’s most important school textbook publisher. Seven publishing employees lost their lives in the destruction. Bombing raids like this are target attacks on Ukrainian. cul

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