It is appropriate to deal with the relations between the discourse of the analyst and the discourse of the master under the aegis of the Guarantee the Guarantee . What is the Guarantee, what is the title of Member Analyst of the School awarded by the Guarantee Commission of the School? This is the bias under which our analytical group is represented in the discourse of the master, insofar as this group has constituted itself as an association, a legal association, governed by the law of 1901, and decorated a few years ago with the title of “public utility” by the government. It is therefore not “Without Guarantee of the Government”, to use Serge Cottet’s words.
The Master’s Algorithm
What we designate with Lacan as the discourse of the master is, if you will, an algorithm, the algorithm of the accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database representation of the subject in the form of a master signifier. But the forms of this discourse are not ne varietur, they have changed in our area and in our era. This is why the word city is obsolete. The city no longer exists, in the sense of Fustel de Coulanges’s The Ancient City.
According to Lacan, capitalism with disney, it has the opportunity to make a sale. substitutes the divided subject for the master signifier in the place, at the top left of the diagram, which is that of the semblance. In political terms, we say “democratic individualism”.
In other areas, the master’s discourse subsists as is, in particular in intensified forms where the signifier One is exalted as sacred, divine. The religious dominates the social. We even believe we observe in our country inclinations to return to the domination of the religious. I leave that open.
What holds the dominant place today
in the master’s discourse? The answer is in fact multivocal. I have just said that in political terms it was the barred subject, the subject clean email of individualism. But I have sometimes argued that it was the object petit a as being at the “social zenith”. According to Philippe De Georges, what dominates is S2, in the form of bureaucracy. Finally.