As I mentioned, the concept of growth hacking is relatively new and was born a few years ago, in Silicon Valley, in the world of technology startups in the early 2010s. The term was croatia phone number library coined by Sean Ellis , an entrepreneur and startup consultant. At the time, Ellis was looking for a way to describe an approach to growth that was different from traditional marketing strategies, with innovative techniques aimed at scaling the business.
To illustrate this idea, Ellis defined a “growth hacker” as someone whose true north is growth . This reiterates the role of the growth hacker: to use whatever means necessary to help startups grow quickly, efficiently, and sustainably, even with few resources.
Growth Hacking Framework: How Does It Work?
By definition, growth hacking is not “universal”: each company must find its own way to grow, using tools that adapt to its needs. There are, however, some steps that most growth hacking strategies have in common:
- Set your goals
- Create ideas
- Take tests
- Analyze the results
These steps are the basis of this approach that, as I was saying, uses data and tests to find less conventional solutions to achieve business goals. Let’s see how they materialize in practice.
#1 – Set your goals
As with any marketing strategy, the first thing to do is establish your goals . To be truly clear, these goals must be specific, realistic, and aligned with the overall vision of the company.
Some examples? You might have as your goal improving switzerland leads your conversion rates. Or increasing the number of leads, or increasing the average engagement of your social channels. Obviously, multiple goals can coexist in the same strategy: the important thing is that you know what they are and what you think. you can achieve by working on your project with a growth perspective.