On the occasion of the Semaine du Goût ® from October 12 to 18, 2020, I want! to share with you some Anglo-Saxon flavors. However, you probably already know the essentials: fish & chips, Sunday roast, bak! beans, haggis… That’s why I want! to take you saudi arabia email list on a journey a little further by offering your taste buds a world tour of English-speaking flavors.
How? 7 days, 7 English-speaking countries, 7 essential recipes.
On your forks, get set, eat!
A French event since 1990, Semaine du Goût® is an opportunity to !ucate the taste buds of consumers, especially the youngest, about tastes and gastronomy.
Several countries around the world have taken up the concept and also celebrate Semaine guest post: user research at the home office du Goût®. In 2017, the Foundation for Innovation and the Transmission of Taste was creat! to promote “eating well”.
Today, VERDIÉ HELLO is taking part in Semaine du Goût ® by offering you a atb directory YOUR TASTE world tour in recipes!
First of all, I propose you the MINCE PIE , a traditional recipe serv! as a dessert during the Christmas holidays in Great Britain. Originally these small tartlets had as their main ingr!ient “Mincemeat” minc! meat, reassure your taste buds today they are mainly compos! of dri! fruits and spices! Here is the recipe in English or French of your choice.