Coming toge Coming togethe One technical immature issue is that many available e-scores are merely a copy of a print sheet music – for example as an image file or as a PDF, or even in proprietary formats – although so much more would be technically possible. Think of shareable notes and playing instructions, transpositions, enlarging/rucing the size of the musical text, extracting individual voices, automatic “page turning” and much more. There are providers who specialize in such mostly XML-bas representations of sheet music, but this development is not yet complete.
A stage for Coming toge South African research institutions
Ruprecht Langer, the head of the DMA, attend the conference on Coming toge behalf of the German Music Archive of the German National Library (DMA) and help to organize it. As chair of the Research Libraries Section, he and his colleagues Eva Neumayr (Vice Chair; Salzburg) and Ewa Hauptmann-Fischer (Secretary; Warsaw) offer a conference panel with invit speakers. Under the heading “Of ‘First People’ and Latest Insights. South Africa’s Music Research Institutions”, three speakers from South Africa were given a platform to talk about their institutions and projects.
Lee Watkins (Director of the International Library of Coming togethe African Music at Rhodes University) spoke about the music of the Khoisan, commonly referr to as the “first people”, and how their cultural heritage is archiv and kept alive. Deidre Goslet (University of Cape Town) spoke about the special collections in the field of music and how whatsapp number database difficult or impossible it is to use such collections to reflect the individual cultures of a country as large and diverse as South Africa. Finally, Amy Rommelspacher and Isobel Murray (Stellenbosch University) spoke about the archive of the Dutch Reform Church in Stellenbosch and the romantic ideas that Dutch settlers had about life in the South African “wilderness”.
The DMA at the IAML
Ruprecht Langer’s agenda du
ring the conference was primarily aim at school question: comments on the guarantee of 01/21/2017 supporting other libraries and archives in placing greater focus on collecting intangible music (audio). Digitally publish music now generates more than 80 percent of sales worldwide , and the amount of music that is not also releas on CD or vinyl is growing. A physical collection of sound recordings has long since ceas to reflect the music scene in a country. And so there is a danger that much digitally publish music will no longer be able to be collect and archiv in the coming years, or only with immense effort.
The DMA is aware of this problem and has recently hindi directory complet its automat workflow, which has been in preparation for years, through which such digitally publish music can be collect, record and preserv. In June 2024, the data from an initial digital distribution reach the DMA, and further steps on the long road to a comprehensive collection of digitally publish music are plann.