B2b e-commerce: the practical example of comisa srl ecuador phone number library
Among our case studies that are most representative of the effectiveness of b2b e-commerce. There is undoubtedly that of comisa srl . The company. Operating in the plumbing and heating sector. Wanted to equip itself with a completely customized b2b digital platform . Which could:
Digitize order management processes
Track individual Optimize and automate sales activities;
Integrate with the platforms already in use in the company;
Streamline document exchanges;
Reduce human error;
Accompany buyers through an extremely fluid buyer’s journey;
Offer the possibility of rapid and constant updates.
The ca team was involved in every phase of the project . From the preliminary analysis. To the development and debugging and. Even beyond. Throughout the delicate moment of the launch.
It is now clear that e-commerce is revolutionizing the way companies conduct their b2b transactions. If you too have understood the importance of equipping your company with a valid virtual shop. We can help you choose the right platform and create effective sales strategies that satisfy both your employees and potential b2b buyers. More Details : shopify: dedicated to e-commerce for companies in the united states
Organic positioning: how to get to the 1st page of google
When you search for an answer on betting email list google. You consult the first page of results and rarely go beyond that. Right? The same happens to the vast majority of users. Who limit themselves to browsing on the 1st page for 75% ( source: hubspot research ).
It is therefore clear why anyone with a website should strive for an optimal organic positioning in the serp (search engine results page). Being among the first allows you to gain greater visibility. Be known by your target audience for the products or services you offer. Obtain clicks and visits to your website and. Potentially. Increase conversions and sales.
How do you actually get this coveted online visibility ? A beautiful. Complete and usable site is an indispensable. But not sufficient. Condition to reach your goal. Let’s better understand what is meant by organic positioning on search engines and explore together the main strategies to win the challenge and effectively scale the serp!
What is organic positioning (and why it’s an advantage)
A common saying among industry insiders states that “ the safest place to hide a dead body is the second page of google ”. The concept is quite clear and underlines how an optimal positioning is essential for success on the web.
Track individual When we talk in general about “positioning”. We are referring to the position that a site manages to achieve among the search results for a specific keyword . Or what users type into the google search bar to get the answers or information they are looking for.