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Turn your contacts into sales opportunities with quality content

n marketing terms, this concept refers to the prospects we recruit at each digital point. These leads represent valuable sales opportunities, since to attract them we have followed a careful procedure that involves the creation of Buyer Personas and personalized content through different media.

However, there are other types of users to whom we should direct our campaigns. These include:

-Followers on social networks.

-Customers in conventional stores, who must be invited to become part of our digital family, if they are not already.

-In general, all people who in one way or another establish contact with our brand.

Turning your contacts into sales opportunities, first step: technology and analytics

Today, producing quality content requires not only the ghana phone number data innate talent and creativity of a team of writers and editors, but also identifying the right technology for each need. The field of Digital Marketing has changed in recent years, in line with the evolution of available systems and programs. Therefore, recognize which of the following trends your brand needs to implement, if you have not yet decided to do so.

Marketing Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Without this element, it will be very difficult to convert followers and contacts into customers. In order for each of them to become a sales opportunity, it is necessary to automate the promotion process, in order to save time and reach the right audience.

To achieve this, you need to make the most of each of these tools:

-CRM: Your Customer Relationship Management software is singapore datav the means by which you will manage digital interactions with your prospects and customers, giving you the following advantages:

*Automatic operations management.

*Better management during the sales funnel.

*Most importantly, use data to detect conversion opportunities and proceed to take the necessary actions to achieve them.

-Email Marketing: In recent years, email communication automation has been a precursor to sales and good post-purchase relationships. Therefore, choose an artificial intelligence-based software that optimizes headlines and content alike to increase conversions during your campaigns.

-Chatbots: intelligent chat robots are popular in Content Marketing, thanks to their advantages. Their technology allows for dynamic and rapid communication with each of your prospects, offering them the appropriate attention and information they seek before making a favorable decision. Therefore, they should be an integral part of your eCommerce and digital media in general where you generate conversions.

Technology for mobile systems

Mobile traffic drives a large percentage of e-commerce. This 10 essential points for ideal b2b websites audience represents huge conversion opportunities, so you need to refocus your plan to reach that audience. But how can your brand get ahead of the competition in the mobile space to drive conversions? Let’s look at some examples:

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