Home » Blog » How to make a video with photos on your cell phone and use it in your business?

How to make a video with photos on your cell phone and use it in your business?

Technology should not only be seen as a way to make our lives easier, but also as a powerful tool to promote our businesses . And making videos with photos can be a chance to take advantage of this tool. Find out how!

Have you ever stopped to notice how people use it in your business are more focused on their cell phones than on the world around them?

The cell phone is no longer just a device for making calls, it has become a kind of mini handheld computer that allows us to connect with an online universe of possibilities.

For entrepreneurs, this trend can mean a colombia phone number data new way to promote their business and reach more people with their advertising. And when we talk about this, it is impossible not to mention videos.

See in this post how to use this strategy to promote your business, using free solutions to create videos with photos of your company.

Highlight your company with institutional or promotional videos

For a long time, companies have sought to use it in improve your email campaign results with a b testing your business stand out in the online world through articles relevant to their interests. However, with the passing of time and improvements in the field of telephony and the internet, another medium has gained prominence: videos .

And this new type of media is something we have been accustomed to for a long time. However, not with the same control over what to watch or not to watch. Television is part of our culture and, consequently, video content is also common in our daily lives.

Video has several advantages over other content formats , see some of them below:

  • Videos do not require interpretation;
  • The consumption time that facebook users the user will have is precisely its duration;
  • Videos can be engaging tools for absorbing knowledge.

What your company can gain from working with videos:

  • Better dissemination and morec use it in your business users interacting with your content;
  • Free sharing at no cost to your company;
  • Better results with the possibility of converting into sales or mailing .

Apps to make videos with photos for your company

Nowadays, there are many ways to make videos, but the simplest and most practical is through mobile apps. There are many app options, here we will show you the main ones so you can evaluate and start testing videos for your company using your cell phone and an app.

Remember that this type of video initially use it in your business helps to publish content. But to make an institutional video, the ideal is to hire a qualified professional.

Let’s go to the options!


VivaVideo is a free app that will help you edit your video. And before you think about production, cuts, and other difficulties, know that it is very use it in your business simple to use. The video app allows you to use your photos in movies and also add a matching soundtrack, filters, and other features to make your video more attractive and professional .

Also, as I said, it’s free. However, if you choose this option, your video will have a watermark of the app’s logo. To remove it, you’ll need to purchase the app.

This app is available for iOS and Android .

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