First of all, it is necessary to understand that respect from a woman is not a philosophical question, but a concrete understanding of the connection between biology and psychology. It is a question of a man’s hormonal background and his mental, “basic” state and, as a consequence, a woman’s reaction to this state, express in her actions and opinion about a specific man.
All mental processes in our body
Including the women not respect? process of respect for a man by a woman, are controll by our ancient “animal” brain. In other words, a woman understands at the biological level whether to respect this or that man or not, whether he is a strong male or whether I can find a more dominant individual. It follows from this that it is crypto currency database impossible to receive respect from any specific woman without having respect from everyone at once. We either all win or all lose – the laws of wild nature in this regard continue to work in our modern society.
All the factors I describ above form the types of specific men who are or are not respect by women. Let’s get to know them better.
A man who is not willing to stand up for his principles
Agree, it is hard to women not respect? respect a man who is ready to give up his principles in a given situation. It is important to agb directory clearly understand that respect is a woman’s direct assessment of a man as a competitive, dominant male who has access to the main biological function of living organisms – to procreate.
If a man is ready to retrea t from his principles in any situation, especially in communication with a woman, then this is a billion by the end of clear sign of his unwillingness to “fight” for his interests and the interests of his prospective offspring, and as a result, it signals the potential weakness of the man in question. All this allows a woman to not show respect and view her partner as a potentially “weak” unit.