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Write for the reader

First, don’t just write for search engines, but for your readers. Put yourself in the shoes of your target group: what are their wishes and needs? Write for the reader  What is the benefit for the reader? Emphasize the advantages of the product in the text. If you want to increase your ranking results even further, add links to other pages. This shows good quality, which Google rewards with higher rankings.

Step 2: Optimize texts

However, a great product text is of little bc data hong kong help if you do not optimise it for search engines. Ideally, you are writing on the web for future customers. But you want them to find you. That is why there is no way around using keywords. The motto here is “less is more”. Excessive use of these keywords does not lead to better ranking results. On the contrary . Write for the reader  in the worst case, Google will penalise you.

Step 3: Fine-tuning the text

Finally, it’s time for fine-tuning. Be sure to use gripping headlines that draw your reader into the text. Also make sure to put the most important message at the beginning of the text. A simple writing style, structuring elements such as lists, paragraphs or balancing work and private life subheadings are important anchor points. Try to write sentences that are as short and concise as possible. In general, a sentence should only ever contain one statement. Tonality, user guidance and consistent logic should not be underestimated – across multiple pages. Write for the reader Always remember that text and website concept should go hand in hand. In short: create content that is unique in terms of content and form and that no one else has.



The B2B sector is primarily full of products that require a lot of explanation. Unfortunately, the texts are often not much help here. Do better by contact lists polishing up your text with target group-oriented writing, a structured layout and simple language including keywords. This way you not only create individual texts that are fun, but also bind potential customers to your site. Break out of old patterns and try it yourself with your next text.

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