Strike while the iron is hot: send an automatic call to those who abandoned their cart between 24. And 48 hours so that they will have a clear memory of the site visited and the items viewed. You can also decide who to forward the automatic call to in relation to the cost of the cart . If it is a user who had entered products for a significant amount for your business. If it is a regular customer jordan phone number library buyer or other metrics that you decide. To them with an automatic call to remember the products abandoned in the cart.
You can also use calls to better understand
The purchasing behavior of users: you could ask if they have encountered difficulties in paying online and by typing the keys on the phone they can answer the question. You can suggest switching to a secure payment server by phone. In both cases, you can also offer a small the best time to plant benefit such as a discount, free shipping, encouraging more customers to make a sale.
Spreading information with automated calls
Do you have a contact list of your physical store, restaurant or other type of business to which you want to communicate news? We are used to receiving promotional information through SMS marketing, but why not make a call to communicate certain information? Let’s say you have a real estate agency and want to communicate to a couple who came thailand lists to look for an apartment for sale about new properties available, you could make an automatic call with crm4 bot .
You can create automated call campaigns to announce the release of a new product to your list. The first step is to personalize the message. You can then structure a scenario that proposes different actions, for example: press 1 / I am interested and want to make an appointment; Press 2 / I am not interested; Press 3 / I would like a call back.